Go Struct

As a language, Go provides support for the creation and use of structs. A struct is a composite data type that aggregates data of different types. This feature of Go allows you to create custom data types by grouping related fields together.

Declare a Struct

A struct type is defined using the type keyword followed by the name of the struct and the fields it contains within curly braces. Each field is declared with a name and type. The values of the fields can be accessed using the dot operator.

Here is an example of a struct type:

type person struct {
    name string
    age  int

You can create an instance of a struct by using the var keyword followed by the name of the instance and the struct type. Then, you can set the values of the fields using the dot operator.

Here is an example of how to create an instance of a struct and set its values:

var p person
p.name = "John"
p.age = 30

Create a pointer to a struct using the new keyword:

You can also create a pointer to a struct using the new keyword. Then, you can set the values of the fields using the arrow operator.

A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. Pointers are used to reference and manipulate the values of variables indirectly. When working with structs, pointers can be particularly useful to access and modify struct fields.

To create a pointer to a struct in Go, the ‘&’ operator is used followed by the name of the struct variable. This returns a pointer to the memory address of the struct variable. For example:

type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age  int

func main() {
    // create a struct variable
    p1 := Person{"Alice", 25}

    // create a pointer to the struct variable
    p2 := &p1

    // modify struct field using the pointer
    p2.Age = 26

    // print struct fields
    fmt.Println(p1) // {Alice 26}

In this example, a Person struct is defined with two fields: Name and Age. A new struct variable p1 is created and assigned values for the fields. A pointer to p1 is created by using the ‘&’ operator followed by p1. The field Age of p1 is modified indirectly through the pointer p2. Finally, the modified p1 is printed which displays the updated Age.

Access Struct Fields:

We can access the fields of a struct using the . operator:


Code Example

Here is a code example on Go struct with output:

package main

import "fmt"

type person struct {
    name string
    age int

func main() {
    // Initializing a struct with values
    p1 := person{name: "John", age: 30}

    // Initializing a struct with zero values
    var p2 person

    // Updating struct field values
    p1.name = "Jane"
    p1.age = 25


{John 30}
{ 0}
{Jane 25}

In this example, we define a struct person with two fields: name of type string and age of type int. In the main function, we create an instance of the person struct with the name field set to “John” and the age field set to 30. We print this instance using fmt.Println.

We also create a second instance of the person struct with the var keyword, which initializes the fields with their zero values (an empty string for name and 0 for age). We print this instance as well.

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