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Python Tuple is a collection of items like list but it’s item are unchangeable or immutable. So, after creating a Tuple, we cannot add, delete or modify any item in it.
Creating a Tuple
We use round brackets to create a Tuple.
sports = ('Cricket', 'Football', 'Tennis', 'Baseball', 'Rugby')
print('Our tuple is: ', sports)
Our tuple is: ('Cricket', 'Football', 'Tennis', 'Baseball', 'Rugby')
We also can use tuple() constructor to create the tuple.
sports1 = tuple(('Cricket', 'Football', 'Tennis', 'Baseball', 'Rugby'))
print('Our tuple is: ', sports1)
Our tuple is: ('Cricket', 'Football', 'Tennis', 'Baseball', 'Rugby')
Note: If we want to use tuple() constructor, we have to use double round brackets
Accessing Tuple elements
If we have n numbers of elements in a tuple, index/position of the first element will be 0 and last element will be n-1.

So, if we want to get the first sport name, we can simply use sports[0] . Let us print the first sport name:
sports = ('Cricket', 'Football', 'Tennis', 'Baseball', 'Rugby')
print('Item in the first position is: ', sports[0])
Item in the first position is: Cricket
Print the second sport name:
sports = ('Cricket', 'Football', 'Tennis', 'Baseball', 'Rugby')
print('Item in the second position is: ', sports[1])
Item in the second position is: Football
Print the last or 5th sport name:
sports = ('Cricket', 'Football', 'Tennis', 'Baseball', 'Rugby')
print('Item in the 5th position is: ', sports[4])
Item in the 5th position is: Rugby
Find Index of a particular tuple item:
index() method is used to find the index of a particular tuple item
sports = ('Cricket', 'Football', 'Tennis', 'Baseball', 'Rugby')
indexOfTennis = sports.index('Tennis')
print('Index of Tennis is: ', indexOfTennis)
Index of Tennis is: 2
Finding the length of the tuple:
To find the number of elements in a tuple or the length of the tuple, we can use len() method.
sports = ('Cricket', 'Football', 'Tennis', 'Baseball', 'Rugby')
lengthSportsTuple = len(sports)
print('Length of the sports tuple is: ',lengthSportsTuple)
Length of the sports tuple is: 5
Looping through a Tuple
Looping through a tuple is a very common operation to access the items in it. We will learn more about looping while studying different types of looping.
Example: In this example we are going to fetch all the tuple elements using for loop
for item in sports:
Check if an item is available in a tuple or not
We can use if condition with in keyword to check the availability of an item in the tuple.
sports = ('Cricket', 'Football', 'Tennis', 'Baseball', 'Rugby')
if "Cricket" in sports:
print("Cricket is available in the sports tuple")
print("Cricket is not available in the sports tuple")
Cricket is available in the sports tuple
Count Tuple element:
If you want to count how many times a tuple element exists in the tuple, you can use count() function
sports = ('Cricket', 'Football', 'Tennis', 'Baseball', 'Rugby')
numTime = sports.count('Cricket')
print('Number of times Cricket available in the tuple is: ',numTime)
Number of times Cricket available in the tuple is: 1
Note: as already mentioned above that adding, deleting and changing item is not possible in a tuple, let’s see what happen if we want to add a new item in the tuple.
sports = ('Cricket', 'Football', 'Tennis', 'Baseball', 'Rugby')
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'append'
Delete the entire tuple
We can delete the entire tuple using del keyword
sports = ('Cricket', 'Football', 'Tennis', 'Baseball', 'Rugby')
del sports
NameError: name 'sports' is not defined
In summary, commonly used Python Tuple methods are:
Method | Description |
index() | finds the index of a particular tuple item |
len() | finds the number of elements in a tuple or the length of the tuple |
count() | counts how many times a tuple element exists in the tuple |