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How to set JDK path in windows:
Download and install JDK
JDK Download Link : JDK Download
After installing Java, JDK path is set to run the Java program.
To set JDK path temporarily:
1. Copy the path to the directory “bin” in the directory that is Java installed. Such as:
C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.8.0_102 \ bin
Go to the command prompt and run the following command:
Set path = C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.8.0_102 \ bin

To set “JDK path” permanently:
> First right click on the “MyComputer / This PC (windows 10)” shortcut in “Desptop” and select “Properties”. Then select “Advanced System Settings”

After selecting “Advanced System Settings”, double click on “Environment Variables”, then click on “path” and go to “Edit” option

After clicking on “Edit Options”, set the jdk / bin directory in the “Variable Value” text field as follows:
1. Copy the path to the directory up-to “bin” in the directory that is Java installed

2. Then click on the “path” option and go to “Edit” and paste the copied path with “;”

Then click on the order> ok> Apply> ok