
Spring MVC HelloWorld Example With Maven, Bootstrap and Logging(Log4j)

Spring MVC HelloWorld Example With Maven, Bootstrap and Logging(Log4j): In this tutorial we are going to see a project based on Spring MVC,  Maven, Bootstrap and Log4j. This example is actually for showing use of Logging(using Log4j) in Spring MVC based application. If want to know why logging is important  then visit  importance of logging. For knowing what is Log4j …

Spring MVC HelloWorld Example With Maven, Bootstrap and Logging(Log4j) Read More »

Why and Where to use Log4j?

Why and Where to use Log4j? Suppose we are writing code to develop a software. For tracking and debugging our code, we generally write “system.out.println(“Your message”); “ . So, we will write system.out.println(“Your message”); statement as much as we need. Let’s say we have written 100 lines of this statement.   Now think, release of …

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What is Log4j?

Log4j: Log4j is a framework written in java which is highly configurable. Here one question may come that what do we mean by “Framework” ? Framework is nothing but a partially or semi build application. One can use it for building other software. Log4j is used in java application for writing log in the code. …

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